Twas The Night Before Christmas, And All Through The Land…


Twas the night before Christmas,
and all through the land,
The Commanders were winning,
now that they’d gotten rid of Dan

After year after year,
of going Oh for December,
They were like the teams of old,
that were so hard to remember

With Jayden Daniels passing,
and running with care,
A return to the playoffs,
For fans might soon be there

On Terry, on Brian,
on Crowder and Ertz,
They’ve won 10 of 15 games,
A reflection of hard works

With two weeks to go,
they’re looking good in the standings,
and respect around the league,
is something they’re now commanding

The new owners and staff,
have made the future look bright,
Merry Christmas to all,
and to all a good night!


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