I’m Kind Of Hoping We Keep The Tree Up Until Second Week Of February…


While some may debate exactly when is the proper time to take all the holiday decorations down, with the last one to go being the Christmas tree, we have over the last two decades had a simple guideline concerning this: The proper time to do it is when the Washington Redskins/Commanders have played their last game of the season, which almost always has fallen during the first week of January.

This year is a little different, but we’ve decided we’re still going to follow this rule, as you can see in the picture at right. And while my wife may disagree, I’m kind of hoping following the guideline means we don’t have to take the tree down until after the February 9 Super Bowl. 🙂

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It’s been cold here in Ashburn, but this morning was something else. Even Maggie didn’t fight me when I made her put on a pink coat, as I told her it might be a bit crisp outside. She didn’t believe me when I told her it was only 2 degrees.

While sitting out in the frozen tundra, it reminded me of my Dad, who was always fixated with the weather. The only time he told everyone to be quiet during the local news was when the weather came on right after sports. I thought it was the LEAST interesting thing in the local news, but he viewed it the same way I’d regard sports highlights.

I remember this as I’m now looking hour by hour on The Weather Channel website to notice it will finally be in the 30s the next 2 days, the 40s the next 2 days after that, and by Tuesday, in the 50s. And feeling pretty daggone good about it too.

Maybe the old man was on to something 🙂

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I have a favorite coffee mug that I just rinse out every morning and use for days and weeks at a time without letting it come within an area code of the dishwasher. It’s a habit I formed at a young age working in a news room, mainly because back then it was rare that it was empty for more than an hour at a time. I mean, how many germs had time to get near it?

My wife informed me the other night, however, that she stole it and washed it so as to keep me from getting “dysentery.”

And she says I’M THE ONE who exaggerates all the time 🙂


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